Friday, November 9, 2012

Volume Twenty

Hey everyone! Daniela back, obviously! Well sorry I couldn't post yesterday, I was super busy since my mom had a horrible headache and I had to focus on making her feel better, which she didn't. She's better today though and tomorrow she'll be going out near LA for a co-worker's 50th birthday, he doesn't even look 40 so it was really weird to find out he's turning 50. . . anyways that'll be fun for her and of course that means I get the house to myself so. . . PARTY TIME!! Just joking, I'm actually not a huge party animal I'm more the type to stay home and watch movies and eat ice cream, mostly cause I have no real life and people I know are bad at making plans so it's just easier to do what I want I guess. I might go and meet up with some friends on Saturday thou and go to the movies to see The Perks of Being A Wallflower since I love Emma Watson and that movie just looks like it'll be funny and heartfelt and just all around like a good movie. Hopefully I can go see it and if not then hopefully I'll be able to have a friend come over Saturday instead.
Since it's a three day weekend I have to spend at least one day at home, watching Holiday movies, eating chocolate and drinking either hot chocolate or coffee while curled up on the couch with Enzo!!
It'll be nice to relax and have some time to just savor the Holiday feeling.
So for those Twi-hards out therer who can't wait to se the final installment of The Twilight Saga, I'm putting a video below that shows you how to talk like Kristen Stewart, in case you ever wanted to look spastic and uncomfortable and all around akward when you go see the movie. You never know, there could be a movie scout there looking for another Kristen Stewart type to play a role in another upcoming Hollywood blockbuster. I mean if she can get discovered for twitching and brething heavily and unnecesarily throughout a movie, so could you.
Tell me that's not exactly what she does!!! All jokes aside, I will be at the movies watching this next friday with my Tia Anna and we're both Robert Pattinson fans so Team Edward (he's my husband)!
In other non-twilight news, I'm wondering how many of you went and checked out that bad lip reading video from Wednesday and saw some of their other clips. Let me know what you thought of those videos or of this "tutorial" on how to talk like K-Stew. (best of luck)
Well I have to get going, also I'm considering writing songs again and possiby posting the lyrics on here for you to rate. Let me know if I should in an email or comment. I might even do some sort of make-up tutorial on YouTube. . . Again comment or email me. Spread the word and follow me and comment below. SMILE!!! XOXO hugs and kisses.

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